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Shoot One - Selected Images

Despite the lighting conditions for this shoot not being the best, I have selected four images that I feel are the strongest from the range I collected. 

Image One - With this image, I especially like the framing of Jack the guitarist, as I have deliberately not followed the 'Rule of Thirds' technique in order to centrally frame the performer and have less dead space present in the image. This is the raw image as I simply picked my chosen shots out from the range I had. However, when it comes round to editing this image, I will be experimenting with the curvature and levels of the shot, as well as experimenting with the layers to try and take the harshness of the bright light away from the background; as I feel this washes out the image and lowers the quality. With regards to linking my work with my chosen artists, I feel that this image presents factors that demonstrate my inspirations from Adam Elmakias and Jon Applegate. I have captured Jack mid performance, which is something that Adam and Jon specialise in. In order to link this image more to these two artists, I could edit it in Photoshop and experiment with the effects of the image; such as turning the shot into Black and White. 

Image Two - One thing I dislike about this image is the dead space above Alex' head, however this could be altered when I edit my images in Photoshop. Plus, like the first image, I really dislike the harshness of the sunlight in the background. Despite these negative factors, I feel that I have captured Alex well whilst performing. You can see through the image how passionate Alex is about what he does, and how he gives it his all when performing for fans at events like acoustic sets. I feel that this image may become more atmospheric if it is turned Black and White, due to the fact I would be able to enhance specific colours present in the image in order to give the shot more detail, and look more intense as a result. The shot is slightly off centre, however I do feel that this image also doesn't follow the 'Rule of Thirds', as Alex isn't clearly to the left or right of the shot. Another negative factor is the amount of dead space surrounding the performer, I could possibly experiment with turning the image into a portrait shot; rather than a landscape one.

Image Three - I was happy to gain a shot with both Jack and Alex present in the frame. Despite the light hindering the quality of the image again, I really like how I managed to capture a shot with no blurred areas due to movement. Having Alex to the left, and Jack to the right fills out the composition of the image more, resulting in a more visually appealing and busy shot to look at. Like most of my images from this shoot, it is evident how passionate the band are about performing to fans, as well as their music.

Image Four - Similar to the second image, I have captured Alex in the centre of the frame singing into the microphone. I prefer this image to the second one, as I feel the composition is more even with regards to the fact there isn't as much dead space around Alex. I also like how the sun light highlights Alex, which makes him stand out more to the people looking at the images. Once again, you can see the passion projecting from Alex through his body language. And despite only being able to se part of his face, from what you can see, you can gather that he is performing with all he has.

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