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Polaroid Adapted Images

Using several images that I collected during the 'Fall Out Boy' show, I experiemented in Photoshop turning the photos into Polaroid Style Images. I simply added a Polaroid looking frame round my images, and I really like how basic this technique is, but it makes photographs have that more personal and memorable element to them; rather than just a standard image. And due to the fact the images were taken on my phone, I had to revive them in some way. Here are some examples of the initial images I picked out to re-generate:

The next part of this process involved me opening Photoshop. Then, using Google, I found a Polaroid Frame template that I felt would work with my images; I also found a vintage style filter that could be layered to give my images a more developed effect and disquise the fact they were taken on an I-Phone, a more up to date method of Photography. I then selected one of my images, and the experimentation began. In terms of difficulty, this was quite easy, however I was trying my best to make it look realistic, so I did change the levels and curves of the images slightly.

As you can see through the screen shots I have presented to the left, you can see the process I went through to try and make them look more Polaroid like. I selected what I felt was the most suitable and realistic Polaroid image effect to over-lay onto my image to age it. I went with a vintage style tinge with a developed stripe on the left hand side.

As well as creating Polaroid style images, I really wanted to play on the fact that the images were taken on my phone, so I created this three piece range of images:

As you can see, I have created four I-Phone style images, in order for me to present one image of each band member from Fall Out Boy (left to right - Pete Wentz, Joe Trohman, Patrick Stump and Andy Hurley).

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