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Why Have I Selected The Artists I Have To Fuel My Inspiration?



Not only did I want to form ideas from Photographers/Artists who suit the theme 'Performance', but I also wanted to look into work that is more Conceptual and has deeper meaning. I personally prefer Art that has more of a meaning as part of the fun is trying to figure out what a piece is trying to tell you, and I believe that a piece is not as strong without that element of unknown explanation.



Adam Elmakias - As you will see when looking through his work, it is very much obvious what his motif for Photography is, and that is capturing live Bands/Acts at an event. He has never revealed any deeper meanings behind his work as far as I'm aware, he just simply shoots gigs for a living; and has worked with some of the biggest bands on the music scene whilst doing so. As I often attend Gigs relevant to the genre in which Elmakias is best known for shooting (Rock - ranging from Pop Punk to Metal) I am very familiar with his work, and I have also met him twice at previous shows. You can clearly see how his work has progressed over the years, and I take inspiration from him when shooting my own images at Music Shows. 

Barbara Kruger - I selected this artist based on her evident Conceptual Meanings within her pieces, and I felt that I could take inspiration from her collections for my work. I especailly like the use of Words in her work, as most Photographers/Artists only display images that they have taken. Plus, the use of Words can provoke the viewer's imagination, as well as ensuring they are completely focused on the display of work. The Wording used is very Symbollic and can hold hidden meanings that are not apparent straight away, and this is why I decided to link her to 'Performance'. When people are performing, they appear to be happy (most times), but I think that adapting technigues from Kruger in my work will enable me to represent that some people are different on and off stage. This idea links with the previous AS Project 'Beneath the Surface', but I feel that this will add more conceptual meaning to this range of work, rather than me just presenting a range of Action Shots.

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