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Establishing a Photography Brand - Why?

With me going to university next year, I wanted to prepare myself for the opportunities that I could potentially be in for based around my chosen course; Graphic Design. As well as this, I wanted to start promoting me and my photography, in order to gain more recognition, and hopefully get more work out of it. So for this reason, I decided to lauch my work through the social media website 'Facebook'. I already had a Flickr profile prior to this creation, but not everybody has a Flickr account, so the audience for my work is limited from that point of view. So I was inspired to make myself a page called 'Emily Moorby Photography' on Facebook, so more people could see my work and share it amongst their friends.



The first challenge I had was to come up with my own logo, as many top photographers have their own in order to watemark their images and establish some kind of brand identity. When I was thinking about this, I wanted to come up with something that was simple, but that was also significant and personal to myself. Based on these factors, I came up with the image to the right for my logo/watermark. The background behind this design is simple. The font style 'Resurrection' was used by Blink 182; my all time favourite band who have inspired me greatly. Also going back to the name of the font, I feel that this symbolises me as a person, as I have only recently gained my passion back for Photography after previously losing it due to personal issues, and it is almost like this love for it has 'resurrected', so I felt this choice was a perfect way to express how I feel about Art and Photography. I also like the roughness of the font. As I do not consider myself a professional photographer, I feel that the bumped edges highlight that my work is not perfect, and there is still a lot for me to learn and I need to keep taking photos in order to get stronger with image collecting.

Once I had come up with my logo, I started promoting my page through my own personal facebook, my twitter account and also through word of mouth. As it stands, 245 people have liked my page, and I have also had messages about paid work based on what people have seen on my page. 

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