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Pinterest Account

I have created a Pinterest Board dedicated to my A2 Performance Topic. Here I will be pinning various images that have inspired me in some way, taking note of potentially useful Photoshop Tutorials for me to experiment with, and looking for techniques that will enable me to get the most out of my Camera. I have attached a Widget to the left of this page, so you can have a look through and see what I have already pinned on this board. I find that Pinterest is a very useful resource, due to the fact a variety of work is uploaded every day, and there are always useful posts that come up on the feed that are relevant to Photography. Plus, many upcoming Artists use Pinterest to make people aware of their work, so many posts are very up to date and modern. I have also found a few of my Artists for my Research on here, including Dila Kaplan and John Keedy (AS Level Photography Coursework)

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